Ben Allgood
5 Year's with Clark Custom Guns
Gun Enthusiast
Retired carpenter.
Amber Emory
Office Manager
4+ Years with Clark Custom Guns
Formerly Accountant at Bob Moore Cadillac
George Fox
Showroom Manager
Retired from Tenneco, Inc.
6+ Year with Clark Custom Guns
Treasurer, Caddo Rifle & Pistol Club
Gun enthusiast and recreational shooter
Former IDPA Competition Shooter
Paul LaPort
Pistolsmith / Riflesmith
19+ years with Clark Custom Guns
Retired USAF 26 years service
James Lique
8+ years with Clark Custom Guns
Recreational Shooter
US Navy 4 years - Retired
US Army 17 years - Retired
Aside from all the great things James did in his 55 years he sadly passed away on October 10th 2024. We at CCG will always remember James for his humorous personality and his love and dedication to Clark's.
Clay Patterson
Revolver Gunsmith / Customer Service
19+ years with Clark Custom Guns
Recreational Shooter
US Marine - Served 5 years * CPL / Aviation Electrician
Garrett Patton
Parts Manager and IT
Less than 1 year with CCG
Recreational Shooter
High School Student