S&W® Model 41

(Click to view full size image)

NOTE: The slot at the back of the bullseye optic barrel is not as deep as the others. Most factory rings will not seat fully in the back slot. Brands of rings that will fully seat include Millett Angle-Loc Weaver Style and Weaver brand rings.

*All new complete guns must be shipped to a licensed dealer.  An original signature copy of dealer’s FFL must be on file at our shop before we can ship.


Standard Features
  • Trigger Job with crisp 2 to 2.5 pound pull
  • Installation of Clark match bull barrel
  • Function and accuracy test (X-Ring (1 5/8″ @ 50 yards)
  • Sights: Scope base is an integral part of the STC and Bullseye optic models
Reliability Package
  • Throat & polish barrel ramp for reliable feeding
  • Tune extractor for positive ejection
  • Debur and polish internal parts and tune/test with 1 magazine
Barrel Match Installation & Configurations
  • Installation of a Clark match barrel is standard on our Smith & Wesson® 41 conversions. Barrel configurations are:
  • STC Model (#CLK-570-STC) – Absence of top strap greatly reduces the possibility of trapped cases. Picatinny style Scope Base is an integral part of the barrel. Choose 5.5″ or 6.5″
  • Bullseye / Optic Model (#CLK-570-BO) – Top strap extends over ejection port just like factory barrel. Picatinny style Scope Base is an integral part of the barrel. Choose 5.5″ or 6.5″
Optional Services
*All prices are estimates only, and final pricing will be given after all custom options have been confirmed by Clark Custom Guns in writing
Feature Price
Tune / testing on additional magazines $25.00
Thread barrel 1/2 x 28 – includes thread protector (STC models only) $150.00
Reliability Work & Testing with your original factory barrel $75.00



All prices are estimates only, and final pricing will be given after all custom options have been confirmed by Clark Custom Guns in writing. Please be aware additional charges may be added if your 41 has aftermarket grips as many of them can adversely affect the firearms function if not properly fitted.

Catalog No. Barrel Option Conversion Price Complete Gun Price
SW41-STC CLK-570-STC Sportsmans Team Challenge $ 880 $2,530
SW41-BOP CLK-570-BO Bullseye Optic $ 962 $2,585
SW41-Irons CLK-570-Iron Sights CALL CALL

Available while they last. Call for inventory information.
M, T, Th, F 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CST

Or visit our showroom:
M-F 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
336 Shootout Ln.
Princeton, LA 71067